Despite being physically absent due to legal issues, Telegram's CEO Pavel Durov had a notable presence at the recent TON Conference in Dubai. The event highlighted his influence on the burgeoning crypto community, with creative elements like cardboard cutouts and cartoons symbolizing his presence. His arrest raised concerns about Telegram and TON, but optimism remains strong among attendees and organizers for the future of the ecosystem.
A critical vulnerability in the SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) Java, specifically in the LM Configuration Wizard, can allow unauthenticated attackers to take control of trusted SAP applications. Immediate patches are advised by CISA and SAP, especially for internet-facing systems. Organizations unable to patch promptly should disable the LM Configuration Wizard service and monitor for any unusual activity.
Nvidia has taken the crown as the world's most valuable company, surpassing Microsoft with a market capitalization of $3.326 trillion. This milestone was reached as the company's stock price surged due to the escalating demand for its AI chips. A strategic 10-for-1 stock split has also played a part in making Nvidia's stocks more accessible to individual investors, further fueling its rapid growth.
Apple introduces iOS 18, focusing on enhanced personalization, capabilities, and intelligence. Key updates include Home Screen customization, a revamped Photos app, improved messaging with satellite communication, new privacy features, and deeper Apple Intelligence integration. Available for developer beta now, public beta next month, and full release this fall for iPhone Xs and later.
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